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Jalapeno and cheese sausages - FireFly Barbecue Jalapeno and cheese sausages - FireFly Barbecue

Jalapeno and cheese sausages

Texas style smoked Jalapeno and Cheese Sausages

2lbs / 1kg Pork Shoulder
1lbs / 500g Beef
1/4lbs / 250g Fat Back (optional)
1tbl Garlic Powder
1tbl Black Pepper
2tbl Kosher Salt
1tbl Tomato Paste
6-8 Jalapeno Peppers
8oz / 220g Cheddar Cheese (or a cheese you like
2 metres medium-gauge hog sausage skins

I used a small pork roasting joint and a small beef joint for this.


  • Soak the skins in water to remove the salt while you prepare the sausage meat.
  • Cut into strips or cube the meat and chill it in the fridge this makes it easier to mince.
  • Dice the jalapeno chillies into small pieces, and dice the cheese into larger 1/2 - 1cm cubes.
  • Mince the meats with a medium grind
  • Mix in all the spices and jalapeno
  • Put the mix through the mincer again *
  • Mix in the cheese and stuff into casings

You can cook now or the flavours will develop if you refridgerate it overnight.

If you want to cold smoke the sausagers you will need to add 1 tsb (or to manufacturers instructions)of pink salt or prague No1 as it is sometimes called, and cold smoke. Whether you are hot or cold smoking i have found that coating the casings with a light oil helps the smoke stick giving you a smoky flavour in less time.

* putting through the mincer twice help break up the jalapeno chilli a bit more, and overall mix it up more.

jalapeno and cheese sausages

jalapeno and cheese sausages

jalapeno and cheese sausages


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