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Corn Maque Choux - FireFly Barbecue Corn Maque Choux - FireFly Barbecue

Corn Maque Choux

Corn Maque Choux

Makes 10 to 12 side-dish servings

Every Cajun family has its own recipe for Com Maque Choux. 

4 tablespoons unsalted butter
¼ cup vegetable oil
7 cups fresh corn cut off the cob (about seventeen 8-inch
cobs), or frozen corn kernels
1 cup very, finely chopped onions
¼ cup sugar
1 teaspoon white pepper
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground red pepper (preferably cayenne)
2¼ cups, in all, Basic Chicken, Beef or Pork Stock
4 tablespoons margarine
1 cup evaporated milk, in all
2 eggs

 In a large skillet combine the butter and oil with the corn, onions sugar, white pepper, salt and red pepper. Cook over high heat until corn is tender and starch starts to form a crust on the pan bottom, about 12 to 14 minutes, stirring occasionally and stirring more as mixture starts sticking. Gradually stir in 1 cup of the stock, scraping the pan bottom to remove crust as you stir. Continue cooking 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the margarine, stir until melted, and cook about minutes, stirring frequently and scraping pan bottom as needed. Reduce heat to low and cook about 10 minutes, stirring occa­sionally, then add¼ cup additional stock and cook about 15 minutes, stirring fairly frequently. Add the remaining 1 cup stock and cook about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in ½ cup of the milk and continue cooking until most of the liquid is absorbed, about 5 min­utes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. 

In a bowl combine the eggs and the remaining ½ cup milk; beat with a metal whisk until very frothy, about 1 minute. Add to the corn stirring well. Serve immediately, allowing about½ cup per person.

corn Maque Choux

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