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Cuban Mo-Jo Hummus - FireFly Barbecue

Cuban Mo-Jo Hummus

Cuban Mo-Jo Hummus

What you need

Mixing bowl, tin opener, whisk, food processor



Chickpeas (450g tin)

1 tablespoon Tahini

1 tablespoon Florida Cuban mojo BBQ RUB

¼ bunch Coriander

4 Garlic (cloves charred)

1 Chill (whole charred)

1 Lemon juice (charred on BBQ)

100ml Rapeseed oil



  1. Place the Garlic, Chilli and Lemon halvesover hot embers or under a grill until theystart to char, this will add a smoky element tothe finished Houmous.
  2. Place all of the ingredients plus the FloridaCuban Mojo BBQ Rub into the FoodBlender and pulse until smooth (you cankeep some of the Cckpeas whole to addtexture).
  3. Add a good splash of oil and a sprinkle ofFlorida Cuban mojo BBQ Rub to the Top ofthe Houmous when serving.
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